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Epson BrightLink 436Wi - Physical Tour

Posted on July 22, 2013 by Eric Pfoutz

Epson BrightLink 436Wi Appearance

The Epson BrightLink 436Wi is a very robust machine. The design, layout and feel of the machine is solid. Being ultra short throw you will notice the large round lens in the front. This gives it the large images from very close up. Just to the left of the lens you will notice the sensors that make the projector interactive. There is a very accessible filter on the side of the projector near the lens.

On the top of the projector you will find a door where the lamp is. Replacing the lamp is easy because if you ceiling mount the projector you will not have to take it down for servicing. The control panel is also on the top of the projector. It has a full suite of buttons for controlling all the projectors functions. Always easier to use the remote, but in a pinch, the menu system is well designed. Traversing it is very easy.


The rear of the projector has all the inputs. The Epson BrightLink 436Wi accepts just about every signal that exists today. You will be hard pressed to find something this projector won't accept. Starting from the left, there is a RS-232 port for command and control and then to the right of that, you have two L/R audio inputs.

Setup and Menus

One thing that has never changed about Epson projectors is the menu system. Graphical in nature and easy to use, Epson also has made the unit easy to setup because of adjustable feet. Although, you more than likely will ceiling mount the projector and not use the adjustable feet. This projector is capable of projecting an 80" diagonal image when setup just 32" away from the screen. When you choose to use the projector as a interactive device the screen size has to fit within a certain size. The max diagonal with the projector mounted is 113", and 116" if not mounted. The bottom of the projector contains threaded ceiling mount holes to make mounting a breeze.

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Remote Control and Pen

The remote is pretty standard for Epson, but I want to note that Epson seems to produce very well thought out remotes. They are often larger than some remotes, but this is because they are feature rich and designed in such a way that finding the button you need without looking at your remote is much easier. The remote gives you full access to the every feature of the projector.

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Interactive Pen

The interactive pen is well designed with a smooth, hard, plastic tip. It definitely is meant for writing on smooth, whiteboard surfaces. The pen does not respond well on bumpy surfaces, since it has to touch the screen to work. You will notice when you touch the tip down to the writing surface that the whole writing head of the pen compresses in. This basically initializes the pen for drawing. It is very nice to use, and comfortable. I felt that the pen responded well to my movements and was very accurate. Overall, a very good experience. Should also mention that the BrightLink 436Wi works with two pens, so you can share the board with another user. Must purchase the other pen separately.

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