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Casio XJ-L8300HN Projector Review – Picture Quality

Posted on October 19, 2017 by Nikki Zelinger

Casio XJ-L8300HN Projector Review – Picture Quality: Color Modes, Text and Image Quality, Handling HD Video Content, Handling 4K Video Content

Color Modes

Overall, I was not particularly impressed by the Casio XJ-L8300HN’s color modes. There are only three: Bright, Vivid, and Natural. They range from having a ghastly green caste (typical of brightness modes of projectors),  to a slight green caste, to pretty good. Natural Mode, in my opinion, is the best one to be used. Some colors are a bit off, with slightly murky reds and mustard yellows (common amongst DLPs), but I can live with that.  Need more brightness, Vivid is pretty good, and can be tweaked for even better color.

I noticed this when I saw the red Netflix logo and its profile graphics (mine is yellow), and with my avatar on the Playstation menu. Now, you’re not likely to be using either, that’s just how I knew immediately that the mode wasn’t entirely true to color since I’m a serial user of both.

That said, I did like Natural Mode for everything – presentations, infographics, Journey to Space, and other films. I didn’t bother with the other modes because they’re like your typical brightest modes – very strong greens and yellows, as you can see in image slider above. That darkish red (instead of bright pure red) and mustard yellow (instead of yellow) problem I mentioned earlier? I barely noticed it when viewing content – mostly on images like our test image with color pie chart.

One of the things I really liked about this projector is that it has two User Modes so that you can get your more perfect colors. I suggest projecting a color wheel to do this, or better, bring in that calibrator or AV/video expert. I did tweak Vivid and the color came out a bit better (I didn’t try long, with a few more minutes of tinkering it may have been better still), though I opted to shoot all these images in Natural Mode as it really is the best mode of the three. Consider Vivid, though, to be a viable mode to use when color accuracy is less critical. On the other hand (as is the case with most projectors) consider its brightest mode (aptly named Bright), to be a "break glass in case of emergency only" mode, to be used only when the projector is overwhelmed in a room with a lot more ambient light than can be handled by the other modes.

Text and Presentation Quality

Very impressed! This is a truly sharp projector. Text on presentations and our test image was super defined and really readable. Immediately after this Casio, when I began reviewing an typical HD projector (WUXGA) the difference was really significant. The HD projector looked almost blurry by comparison, the other projector's sharpest efforts not even coming close to the XJ-L8300HN. Now, remember, it’s really is an unfair comparison because they’re not even close in price, but it served as a nice reference for just how sharp the Casio is, being 4K UHD.

Casio says the XJ-L8300HN can project a crystal clear image from 95” to 200” diagonally. From what I’ve seen, I don’t doubt that. Smaller text should be legible from the back of a room, as long, of course, as the size is large enough to be read from that distance. Provided that the overall brightness of this projector is enough to deal with whatever ambient light you’ve got, you should be able to use a screen as large as 200” without losing clarity.

Handling HD Video Content

Awesome. Just awesome. As I was taking my Hunger Games photos of the Casio XJ-L8300HN in action, my boyfriend asked if I had bought a 4K UHD disk of the film – it looked that good. HD video on this projector honestly looked better than all of the non-pixel shifting HD/WUXGA projectors I’ve seen. I recently reviewed an NEC WUXGA pixel shifter, whose list price is around the same amount as this Casio’s street price, which I really liked – this projector is comparable, but visibly sharper.

In the slider above, I have provided images from The Hunger Games and Casino Royale. Take particular note of how defined the faces look. It looks as good as some of the higher end HD home theater projectors I’ve seen. Good job, Casio. Really, truly impressive.

Handling 4K Video Content

Gorgeous! You really can’t beat 4K content being fed through a 4K UHD projector - well, except, of course, unless of course the other projector is a true 4K projector - in which case, it's going to be far more expensive.  Consider - Sony makes a 5000 lumen true 4K projector.  List price:  $59,995, or five times the price of this Casio.

I shot photos from Journey to Space – probably more than necessary. It’s just so hard to choose what to shoot when literally every second of the film looks so good.

The photos speak for themselves, but they’re really no substitute for seeing this projector in action. If your applications require the high resolution of 4K UHD, then the Casio XJ-L8300HN may be a top contender in your choices for the right projector. Simply stunning.

The sharpness can really be seen in the photo below. This is a photo of a scene from Journey to Space, showing text on screens. Now, the clarity of the text was already really good when shown using only a 1366 x 768 display – not even full HD as you could see in the Text and Presentation Quality photos. I was completely blown away at the sharpness of text being projected at 4K UHD resolution on the XJ-L8300HN.

Casio XJ-L8300HN 4K Journey to Space Display Text
The Casio XJ-L8300HN performs exceedingly well when handling text in 4K, even when the text is graphically generated

Now, direct your attention to the sign behind the EVA suit (photo below). Even this slightly-out-of-focus sign has better sharpness than many HD projectors can achieve. The 4K UHD resolution of this projector is definitely its selling point, and I am happy to say that the Casio does not disappoint on that front.

Casio XJ-L8300HN 4K Journey to Space EVA
The Casio XJ-L8300HN is sharp across the entire image.

Casio XJ-L8300HN Projector Review – Picture Quality: Color Modes, Text and Image Quality, Handling HD Video Content, Handling 4K Video Content

Color Modes

Overall, I was not particularly impressed by the Casio XJ-L8300HN’s color modes. There are only three: Bright, Vivid, and Natural. They range from having a ghastly green caste (typical of brightness modes of projectors),  to a slight green caste, to pretty good. Natural Mode, in my opinion, is the best one to be used. Some colors are a bit off, with slightly murky reds and mustard yellows (common amongst DLPs), but I can live with that.  Need more brightness, Vivid is pretty good, and can be tweaked for even better color.

I noticed this when I saw the red Netflix logo and its profile graphics (mine is yellow), and with my avatar on the Playstation menu. Now, you’re not likely to be using either, that’s just how I knew immediately that the mode wasn’t entirely true to color since I’m a serial user of both.

That said, I did like Natural Mode for everything – presentations, infographics, Journey to Space, and other films. I didn’t bother with the other modes because they’re like your typical brightest modes – very strong greens and yellows, as you can see in image slider above. That darkish red (instead of bright pure red) and mustard yellow (instead of yellow) problem I mentioned earlier? I barely noticed it when viewing content – mostly on images like our test image with color pie chart.

One of the things I really liked about this projector is that it has two User Modes so that you can get your more perfect colors. I suggest projecting a color wheel to do this, or better, bring in that calibrator or AV/video expert. I did tweak Vivid and the color came out a bit better (I didn’t try long, with a few more minutes of tinkering it may have been better still), though I opted to shoot all these images in Natural Mode as it really is the best mode of the three. Consider Vivid, though, to be a viable mode to use when color accuracy is less critical. On the other hand (as is the case with most projectors) consider its brightest mode (aptly named Bright), to be a "break glass in case of emergency only" mode, to be used only when the projector is overwhelmed in a room with a lot more ambient light than can be handled by the other modes.

Text and Presentation Quality

Very impressed! This is a truly sharp projector. Text on presentations and our test image was super defined and really readable. Immediately after this Casio, when I began reviewing an typical HD projector (WUXGA) the difference was really significant. The HD projector looked almost blurry by comparison, the other projector's sharpest efforts not even coming close to the XJ-L8300HN. Now, remember, it’s really is an unfair comparison because they’re not even close in price, but it served as a nice reference for just how sharp the Casio is, being 4K UHD.

Casio says the XJ-L8300HN can project a crystal clear image from 95” to 200” diagonally. From what I’ve seen, I don’t doubt that. Smaller text should be legible from the back of a room, as long, of course, as the size is large enough to be read from that distance. Provided that the overall brightness of this projector is enough to deal with whatever ambient light you’ve got, you should be able to use a screen as large as 200” without losing clarity.

Handling HD Video Content

Awesome. Just awesome. As I was taking my Hunger Games photos of the Casio XJ-L8300HN in action, my boyfriend asked if I had bought a 4K UHD disk of the film – it looked that good. HD video on this projector honestly looked better than all of the non-pixel shifting HD/WUXGA projectors I’ve seen. I recently reviewed an NEC WUXGA pixel shifter, whose list price is around the same amount as this Casio’s street price, which I really liked – this projector is comparable, but visibly sharper.

In the slider above, I have provided images from The Hunger Games and Casino Royale. Take particular note of how defined the faces look. It looks as good as some of the higher end HD home theater projectors I’ve seen. Good job, Casio. Really, truly impressive.

Handling 4K Video Content

Gorgeous! You really can’t beat 4K content being fed through a 4K UHD projector - well, except, of course, unless of course the other projector is a true 4K projector - in which case, it's going to be far more expensive.  Consider - Sony makes a 5000 lumen true 4K projector.  List price:  $59,995, or five times the price of this Casio.

I shot photos from Journey to Space – probably more than necessary. It’s just so hard to choose what to shoot when literally every second of the film looks so good.

The photos speak for themselves, but they’re really no substitute for seeing this projector in action. If your applications require the high resolution of 4K UHD, then the Casio XJ-L8300HN may be a top contender in your choices for the right projector. Simply stunning.

The sharpness can really be seen in the photo below. This is a photo of a scene from Journey to Space, showing text on screens. Now, the clarity of the text was already really good when shown using only a 1366 x 768 display – not even full HD as you could see in the Text and Presentation Quality photos. I was completely blown away at the sharpness of text being projected at 4K UHD resolution on the XJ-L8300HN.

Casio XJ-L8300HN 4K Journey to Space Display Text
The Casio XJ-L8300HN performs exceedingly well when handling text in 4K, even when the text is graphically generated

Now, direct your attention to the sign behind the EVA suit (photo below). Even this slightly-out-of-focus sign has better sharpness than many HD projectors can achieve. The 4K UHD resolution of this projector is definitely its selling point, and I am happy to say that the Casio does not disappoint on that front.

Casio XJ-L8300HN 4K Journey to Space EVA
The Casio XJ-L8300HN is sharp across the entire image.

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