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Casio XJ-H2650 DLP Projector - Review Summary

Posted on October 4, 2013 by 

Casio XJ-H2650 Projector: Bottom Line

As its predecessors demonstrated, the Casio XJ-H2650 would be a fine choice for the school district or business that are heavy users and therefore need to keep maintenance costs at a minimum.  Most lamps are replaced at around 3000 hours.  Should the XJ-H2650 last for its estimated 20,000 hours, it could result in a savings of as much as $1200 (based on an average cost of $200 per lamp) over the life of the projector.  This greatly reduces the effective cost of the projector, putting it closer to projectors in the $1000 price level.

Not content with just providing savings in lamp costs, Casio sweetens the pot by offering a wide array of included features aimed at presentation flexibility.  There is an included wireless network module for network control and presentation, projection directly from a Smartphone and PC-free presentation capability from a USB thumb drive.  On the downside, the XJ-H2650 comes nowhere near its 3500 lumen rating and once you go into Eco mode (where you realize the longest lamp life and best color), you’re at less than half the rated output.  If you need a combination of high brightness and accurate color, you might want to look elsewhere, but for the majority of presenters, the color will not be an issue and the projector will be bright enough for most uses.

The Casio XJ-H2650 targets a specific market, the heavy user (at least 3000 hours per year) that changes projectors very infrequently and can take advantage of the long lamp life.  Such a user will find the XJ-H2650 attractive despite its somewhat higher price.  For others, there are a number of LCD (Epson comes to mind) projectors at around $1000 that are just as bright or brighter than the XJ-H2650, while offering similar features and better color.  That being said, the Casio XJ-H2650 is a well-built, solid projector with a sharp image and a host of features.  If your projection needs are in sync with the XJ-H2650’s strengths, it deserves serious consideration

Casio XJ-H2650 Projector: Pro

  • LED/Laser light source never needs replacing
  • Very good warranty
  • Wireless network presentation from up to 32 networked computers (up to 4 displayed at one time)
  • SmartPhone presentation capability
  • PC Free presentation
  • Sharp image with any resolution
  • 3D Ready (via DLP Link)

Casio XJ-H2650 Projector: Cons

  • No color mode choice in Bright lamp mode
  • Color in brightest modes (with Eco off) less accurate than much of the competition
  • Somewhat noisy in Bright mode

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