Projector Reviews Images

Casio XJ-A250V Projector - Image Quality

Posted on May 5, 2011 by Art Feierman

Casio XJ-A250V Color & Picture Quality

The different preset modes provided a varied range of color, but also remember that those presets are available only in Eco-mode. The Medium color temp setting is overall, the best of the three color temps offered.

Casio XJ-A250V Projector: Readability

Casio XJ-A250 in its native mode of WXGA (1280x800)

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Resolution of 1600x1200, the Casio's performance looks rather good handling this higher resolution (UXGA).

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The Casio's highest resolution 1920x1080, below, over HDMI.

Overall, the Casio does just fine in multiple resolutions. Using a Macbook Pro it supported all the higher resolutions that my Mac could serve up.

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Casio XJ-A250V Projector: Video

Not bad, not great. The video watched including parts of a movie, some HDTV (both off of HDMI), and video clips from my Macbook Pro, all handled motion well enough. Overall, video has a bit of a grainy look, that's only obvious when looking for it, but definitely present, nonetheless.

As stated earlier, this isn't a home theater projector. It should be fine for all but highly critical video presentations. Black level performance was not impressive, even in Theater mode. This means a less dynamic look than some other projectors on scenes with lots of bright and dark areas. Again, though, I consider perfomance more than sufficient for the typical business or education user. Lastly, this is a DLP projector with a spinning color wheel and a bit of the rainbow effect. I notice slightly more than with a home theater projector. Not too bad on those of us who are rainbow sensitive.

I'm sure the family will also enjoy it when you bring it home for the weekend, and fire up a movie.

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