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Canon REALiS WUX4000 LCOS Projector - Review Summary

Posted on August 8, 2013 by Art Feierman
Visit our 2012 Classroom Projector Report, sponsored by: Click Here!  A summary of the WUX4000 projector and a list of this Canon projector's pros and cons. 06/14/2012 - Anthony Arrigo

Canon REALiS WUX4000 Projector: Bottom Line

Canon has developed an excellent projector that is both easy to use, and offers up the kind of picture quality that can go toe-to-toe with other high resolution projectors on the market. I should state that when I say high resolution I do mean high. The majority of projectors on the market are 1280x800 resolution and that is absolutely perfect for 95% users. However, for some, higher resolutions are necessary, or, at the very least, much more satisfying. The 1920x1200 native resolution of the Canon REALiS WUX4000 is the perfect example as you hopefully have gathered from this review. Its brightness of 4000 lumens, and accurate color, mean you can use the projector for more than just one purpose.

The WUX4000 is not as cheap as most projectors on the market because of the higher resolution image, and brightness, but when you consider what the projector can do and how many different applications it is suited for, it is no wonder the projector has a higher cost.

It is not the most portable projector, so it is not exactly our top pick for educators or presenters on the go, but the projector was never really intended for travel. You would want to permanantly fix this projector in a classroom or conference room. With its horizontal and vertical electronic lens shift, and ability to accept three lense types, the WUX4000 will be much less time consuming to install and offer more placement flexibility. This simple fact may reduce the cost of initial ownership if you can avoid having to do any expensive installation work. All of course depends on your situation.

Connectivity, and the ability to display multiple sources will also be no problem with the WUX4000. It has inputs, and outputs, for a wide variety of sources. Surprisingly enough, it has both a HDMI and DVI-I input. If you’re an educator of high end software tools like AutoDesk, or other interface intensive programs that require a fair amount of resolution, then you should consider, if your budget allows, the WUX4000. In a classroom, or training facility, where students can spend more than two hours at a time viewing the screen, higher resolutions can make a real difference in terms of student fatigue.

Canon REALiS WUX4000 Projector: Pros

  • Rated at 4000 lumens, and in its brightest mode, exceeded that slightly
  • 1920x1200 native resolution for super crisp images and text
  • Both inputs for DVI-I and HDMI
  • Can be networked so that all the projectors functions are accessible via ethernet
  • Lamp replacement and maintenance can be done without removing the projector
  • Horizontal and vertical electronic lense shift.
  • Three lenses to choose from depending on your mounting situation
  • 3 years parts and labor warranty and a 120 day lamp warranty. Standard is usually 90 days

Canon REALiS WUX4000 Projector: Cons

  • Not 3D capable
  • Not very portable
  • 1000:1 contrast ratio
  • Projector does not ship with a lens

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