Projector Reviews Images

BenQ W1200 Projector - Performance-2

Posted on June 3, 2011 by Art Feierman

BenQ W1200 Sharpness

The W1200 looks really sharp. It's impressive, although part may be some extra sharpening. Still, a pretty sharp single chip DLP, looking at least as sharp as any of the more expensive LCD projectors. Some assorted comparison images below side by side slider.

BenQ W1200
Viewsonic Pro8200
Mitsubishi HC4000
Panasonic PT-AE4000
Epson Home Cinema 8350
BenQ W6000








Space Cowboys
Viewsonic Pro8200
Optoma HD20
BenQ W6000
Sharp XV-Z15000

BenQ W1200: Bottom Line Sharpness

Very sharp. Often over the top with Creative frame interpolation on, especially the highest levels. Optics seem to be very good. Does very well in maintaining sharpness from center to edges. Default sharpness setting is 8. I played around backing it off to 6 or 7.

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