Here's another space scene.
Next image, is a few seconds later. The results are similar. Normally we use these two related images to show the effects of dynamic iris action on the different projectors, but since neither of these has one, the black levels stay consistent, as long as the exposures are. In real life, the background doesn't lighten as the bright shuttle enters the scene.
Finally, here's a dark shadow detail image we like, also from Space Cowboys: The blacks are a bit blacker on the Mitsubishi, but most notably, there's less detail in the dark blinds on the window.
Below, we have a good bit overexposed satellite image, so you can see where the shadow detail is...
The overexposure lets you see some dark detail that is there, which otherwise would be hard or impossible to dis. At least as important is that it raises the black of the sky to grays you can compare. You just have to compensate for the differing exposures.
Next, is the starship image from The Fifth Element. All the images are a good bit overexposed. This allows you to get a better handle on the black levels. If the starship's brightness is about the same from image to image, then the projector with the blackest blacks in the letterbox and stars background, is the one with the blacker black performance. (A lot of bright stars in its own right may just reflect gamma differences. It's the blacks you want to be watching).
Consider two additional (digital) images which are good ones for observing black levels.
As is typical with home theater projectors lacking stellar black level performance, shadow detail is pretty good. The heavily overexposed image of the building's room and the trees and shrubs shows that the BenQ is doing a very nice job on shadow detail. In our seriously overexposed scene of Clint Eastwood in Space Cowboys, you can make out plenty of detail in the dark shades.