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BenQ W1070 Projector - Performance 2

Posted on June 7, 2013 by Art Feierman

W1070 Lamp Brightness Smart-Eco vs. Full Power

Lumen Output (Eco Lamp, Dynamic) 1166

That's a drop of almost exactly 35%    Although measured Dynamic mode for the comparison, understand that you should get that same amount of difference no matter which mode you are in.

Check it out.  First is Normal (full power) then Smart Eco, then Economic:

Smart-Eco vs. Full Power Slideshow

Normal (full power)

Smart Eco

Is is possible that Smart Eco is actually a touch brighter than Normal on this bright scene?


BenQ W1070 Pre-Calibration Color temp

Color Temp over IRE Range (Pre calibration, best modes - Cinema-Standard-User):
30 IRE – 6809
50 IRE – 6840
80 IRE – 6807
100 IRE – 6905

The W1070, as you can see from the numbers above, defaults to a slightly cool image - but barely so. The nice thing is that most should prefer a projector that's a little cool, than a little warm (too much red). That the temperatures are very consistant predicts a great calibration.

W1070, Post Calibration, Best Mode (User 1)

Calibrated Color Temp over IRE Range:
20 IRE = 6427
30 IRE = 6427
40 IRE = 6496
50 IRE = 6449
60 IRE = 6477
70 IRE = 6419
80 IRE = 6452
90 IRE = 6469
100 IRE = 6499

Ridiculous.  No $1000 projector should be able to calibrate this tightly. Note that the color temperature varies only by 80 degrees.  Most projectors calibrated vary by 200 to 400 degrees.  Even $10,000 projectors.  Sweet!  The result is excellent color.

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