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BenQ PE7700 - Image Quality 3

Posted on January 28, 2006 by Art Feierman

Sense Eye

BenQ tauts Sense-Eye but doesn't provide much in details. Let's say that Sense-Eye, is really a collection of seven functions including scaling, deinterlacing, contrast enhancement, color enhancement, etc. Now variations of many of these technologies are found in competing products, with such circuitry from the likes of Faroudja, and others. The real question is how well does the BenQ's Sense-Eye do compared to what's in the competition. Considering there is no direct competition at the price (for a 720p DLP projector), they are off to a good start. I have noticed that noise seems to be a touch less than the older BenQ. Truth is, DLP competition at this resolution mostly sells for $500 to $10000 more (mostly several thousand more).

I have just received a Powerpoint presentation on Sense-Eye, which I will look over and post more info for those who are "into" the technoogy.


Sunny Disposition

n the past, when comparing the BenQ PE8700+ with other projectors - especially, JVC's HD2K and HX2, one thing I noticed, is that my old BenQ couldn't really do a really bright clear sunny day well. You know those days, shadows are razor sharp and dark, contrast is high and sun glows off of faces and objects. Well my BenQ tends to take those scenes and instead, they look like a slightly hazy day, you don't feel that sun drenched warmth. The new PE7700 definitely has a sunnier disposition. I don't have the JVC, or Marantz 12S4 for comparison at this time, and I don't think this new BenQ projector has completely eliminated the difference, but I find the PE7700 much more pleasing in this regard than my older BenQ. This is a subtle but important improvement worth mentioning.

So, in summary, the BenQ offers excellent color rendition in both Cinema and Home Theater modes, and pumps out a lot more color and can better fight ambient light in Family Room mode, but color accuracy falls off a bit. In addition dark scenes - especially those which have some bright areas are enhanced very nicely, adding more punch to the image, without any obvious distortion of the original content.

Motion artifacts, which I haven't discussed, are awefully hard to spot on this projector, I definitely noticed on one scene that the new PE7700 projector was cleaner, in this regard, than my own PE8700+.

Out of the box performance was excellent, with the AVIA disk calling only for the most minor change in tint and brightness (none to contrast).

Bottom line, my PE8700 was great for the money, and this new BenQ projector is even better, for less money. Evolutionary, not revolutionary.

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