True, I’m working with a pre-production HT9050, but it has one nasty-looking problem. Fortunately, it’s one that goes away quickly after power up.
When it first powers up, after the start up screen goes away, I see the left side of the screen flashing. Very annoying. Now, this is something that should not exist in a full production problem. When I spoke with BenQ about it as I was first working with the HT9050, they were working on the fix. By the time I have published this, however, the HT9050 production units are shipping. So, since I can’t promise that the problem has been eradicated, here’s the scoop:
The flashing on this doesn’t last long – although I think at least once, it lasted more than a minute, maybe two. I have found, though, that just by switching modes, at least after the first 15-20 seconds, seems to make it stop. For example, while writing this paragraph, I powered up the HT9050 and it was flashing. I was on the “Night” user mode setting (Eric named it Night – it is our calibrated Cinema mode). I switched it to Silence mode (one over) and it stopped. I also saw it stop switching between other modes in previous attempts.
Now I am hopefully assuming that by the time you buy one of these the flashy problem will be gone, but even if not, it’s brief. If you want to rationalize this, think of it this way: The “flashy problem” should be gone before a lamp based projector has been on long enough for color to stabilize. Still, as I said, when it does it, it’s annoying. Still, as I said, when it does it, it’s annoying. This fits into the category of problems described as: “If this is the biggest problem with a projector, life is good!”