Projector Reviews Images

BenQ HT1075 Projector Review - Performance 2

Posted on October 4, 2014 by Art Feierman

HT1075 Sharpness

Above are a variety of images that can show off sharpness, or lack of same.  For comparison purposes I decided to try something a bit different, which is a close up look at the Scrabble coffee mug in Skyfall.  As you can tell from the first image, the others are heavily cropped.  Rather than show similarly priced projectors I thought I'd show how the HT1075 stacks up against more and more expensive projectors.

After the closeup of the HT1075, next comes BenQ's W7500 which is a bit over double the price.  The two are similar, but despite the W7500 image being a good bit darker, I think we can tell that it is just a touch sharper - very close.

The next two images are interesting!  Both are from far more expensive projectors that offer pixel shifting.  The first of the two is the $4999 JVC RS49/X500R and the second, the $7999 (expected price) of the laser powered Epson Pro Cinema LS10000.

Now the JVC with its e-shift on, appears a touch sharper than the lower cost projectors, while the Epson appears far sharper, but, due to the relatively high level of processing that the Epson was set for, it also is producing a harder image with more grain visible.  Still, the Epson's letters and numbers are the only ones that are relatively easy to determine.

Note that both the JVC and Epson will do their best work with their pixel shifting when they are fed 4K content, not standard 1080p.  When that happens (forgetting that the BenQ can't accept 4K source material), both the JVC and Epson will be far sharper still.  To clarify, the Epson would appear a whole lot sharper doing this same image if it was provided in true 4K content and the JVC as well.  Ok, we'll let's stop worrying about $5000+ projectors, sorry for the distraction.  Then after a few more general images look at the last two images above.  They are from Divergent.  All considered the closeup shows very good sharpness and detail in the cloth.  Nice!

More Sharpness comparison Images

This time an assortment of images from different projectors.  You are looking at one of the standard graphic icons of the Sony PS3 main screen.

The projectors's images in order from left to right:  HT1075, BenQ W7500, Boxi (a pocket LED projector),  BenQ W1500, Optoma HD131Xe, and Epson Pro Cinema 4030, Panasonic PT-AR100 and Epson Home Cinema 2030.  All of these projectors "net out" to under $2000 except the W7500, all but the 4030 and the W7500 have to be considered fairly direct competitors, based on price.    Try to ignore the brightness differences.

Of note, the last three images, a sub $1000 Epson, a $1099 Panasonic, and a $1999 (net) Epson 4030, are all three chip/panel devices using 3LCD.  Generally due to misconvergence of the panels in 3 chip devices (3LCD, DLP or LCoS), they start at a disadvantage.  After that, though, it's optics and other factors.  Note that the Epson 4030, for example appears as sharp or sharper than any of the single chip DLP projectors including the even more expensive BenQ W7500.

That said, the more important point is that the sharpness of the HT1075 is very respectable for any projector selling just over $1000!

HT1075 Image Noise

I ran my usual Silicon Optix test disc, and found nothing noteworthy to report in terms of image noise.  Let's face it, years ago there were lots of problems with many projectors, especially with handling 3:2 pull-down, or other forms of motion noise.  With the quality of processing being much better today though, and those issues handled well, one of the primary remaining noise elements is the basic background mosquito noise.

Generally, for some reason or another never explained to me, single chip DLP projectors tend to show more background noise, often a lot more.

The BenQ HT1075 however, seemed pretty tame for a single chip DLP.  For our last set of comparisons, you are looking at the rather grainy image of the priest from The Fifth Element.  When starting with a grainy image, it really makes the background noise more obvious.  Following the HT1075 are the $2000ish Sony VPL-HW40ES (LCos), the Acer H6500  (single chip DLP), the BenQ W1500 (DLP, Epson Pro Cinema 4030 (3LCD), and Sharp XV-Z30000 (DLP).

Look to his cheek and also the background in the middle of the image to the left of his face for the background noise. Remember, some of that is the original film, some is being added by the projectors.

Audible Noise

The HT1075 is pretty good when it comes to audible noise (mostly fan noise), if you consider it a home entertainment projector, and the noise at full power is "reasonable" if you consider it a home theater projector.

Optoma claims 31 db at full power, and 28 in eco-mode.  31 isn't bad for full power, in fact slightly quieter (by maybe 2db compared to some more expensive projectors.  28, though, on the other hand, while acceptable to most folks is a bit noisy for an eco mode.  Many projectors get down under 25 db in eco mode, even those slightly noisier in full power.

For family entertainment, no problem, on the other hand, for the seriously noise adverse, you'll want eco mode, or a different projector.  Just remember, most projectors are not significantly quieter, especially around this price point, where many are around 35 db at full power.  It takes below 25 db to be considered very quiet.

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