There are entry level home entertainment projectors starting at below $500, and once you near the $2,000 range, you’ll be enjoying a fully immersive home entertainment experience that you may even prefer to going out to the movies. With the right projector and screen, even ambient light (in-room lighting) can be a non-issue, debunking the myth that an LCD TV is the only way to go when viewing content in your bright room.
If you’ve got a family, a projector setup can save you lots of money in the long run. Figure, for a family of four, it costs roughly $50 just for tickets, then add the absurdly priced concessions ($5 for a soda? Not cool), you’re looking at a running cost of around $100 per visit. Instead, you can bring the cinema to your home, whether that’s in a dedicated home theater, living room, media room, family room, etc., and save tons.
Sure, you still may enjoy a night out at the movies (I can’t stop myself from seeing every new Star Wars as they come out), but overall, your home cinema experience will be more enjoyable. No annoying seat-neighbors texting through the whole film – unless, perhaps, you’ve got yourself a teenager. Good luck with that.
The experience of a night in with friends and family, watching your favorite movies on the big screen, is worth far more than the money you’ll save. Even the least bright of these projectors is capable of projecting a 86” image in a fully darkened room, while the others can accomplish this effortlessly, and then some. Before we introduce the first of our six recommendations, let’s talk about what you’ll need for your new home entertainment setup, shall we?
You’ll need:
- A projector
- A screen (or near-white, smooth wall to project onto)
- Source material (Blu-ray/DVD content, satellite/cable/HDTV, streaming content such as Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.)
- Cables (HDMI typically, audio cable if you’ve got an external sound system)
- An external sound system (these under $2000 projectors will have built-in speakers, but you can’t really beat the sound of external speakers – you may even already have these)