This is an entry level 1080p projector from Optoma, but this thing was amazingly great for gaming. Virtually no lag, at least in comparison to the Epson 3020 I reviewed last. Keep in mind that during offline game play you will probably not notice the lag, unless you are playing a game like Guitar Hero. If you like to do a lot of online gaming then you will be at a disadvantage if your projector lags. I really loved the Epson for movies, but the Optoma does a great job with movies, and games. The color on the HD23 seemed to pop a bit more than the Epson 3020 with Street Fighter IV. I don't know if it will translate into the pictures, but there was a noticeable difference. My nice Canon DSLR was on loan, so I only was able to get some shots of Street Fighter IV with it. I tried taking some shots with my Samsung S3, but no matter what phone you have, it's not the same as using a I skipped on those pictures.
Just a quick lag test for the Optoma HD23. The Optoma is an entry level 1080p projector, sono special features such as CFI, etc.. This makes the lag testing fairly simple. I put it up against my Planar PX 2710MW 27" monitor and it was almost on par with it. It ranged from 0ms to 20ms difference, so I would put that at about an average of 10ms difference from my LCD computer monitor. Which means this is a great option for gaming. Here are some pictures of the lag testing, please bear with the cell phone pictures.
(more…)Hello All!
Luckily, I was able to get my hands on the new BenQ w1070 (I don't think it is even selling yet in the states). For those not familiar, it is an entry level DLP, 1080p projector with 3D capabilities! This projector will retail for ~$1100 and a number of folks were hoping a review of this projector before the holidays, so I'm glad I was able to follow through. 🙂 Hopefully, I can help a few prospective projector owners make an informed decision. Read on!
(more…)Hello All!
Art shipped me the ViewSonic Pro 9000 projector along side the BenQ w1070 so I was able to have both in house at the same time, which is always nice. 🙂 The ViewSonic Pro9000 is a "Laser Hybrid LED" projector that seemed to peak the interest of some of you folks so I'm glad I was able to take a look. I was going to do a "shootout" between the BenQ W1070 and this projector but the Pro9000 retails for ~$2899, putting it in the mid level price range, so I decided to do separate reviews. Read on to find out how the ViewSonic Pro9000 holds up in the game room!
I have to start out with, this is not a good projector for hardcore gamers...period. The lag was almost unbearable at times during online play. It was OK on offline play, but still not acceptable in my book if you are a competitive gamer. I loved this projector in all other aspects, but online gaming is its weakest link when playing FPS and fighting games. The lag test results are posted
here. If you are looking for a projector with great color, brightness, shadow detail, that has 3D, wireless HDMI, but only plan to casually game on it...then this projector perfectly acceptable. If gaming is your first priority, then you may want to consider a DLP projector instead.
I am a fairly good Street Fighter IV player, and the lag definitely did me in. Here are a few pictures from the games I played, sorry if they are a bit crooked. I will work on my photography skills in the future...ha ha. The games looked beautiful needless to say, especially SFIV. I was lost in it's beauty...that is until I actually started playing.
(more…)Hey All!
It's been a while since I've had a projector of this caliber in my theater. It was great to get a chance to take a look at this year's Epson flagship. No doubt, the Epson 5020e threw one of the most impressive images I've ever had on my screen. But how does this projector hold up in the game room? Read on to find out!
This round of testing is with all of the special features turned off.At 90-100ms lag based on comparison with my Planar LCD, the 3020e is a poor performer for gaming. All of the lag tests I have conducted are with the same monitor, so it will give you a fairly accurate idea of how good, or poor the projector performance is. As people have commented on my other lag tests, I have no CRT to test the lag on my monitor. If a projector is performing 100ms worse than my monitor, then it is safe to say it is a poor performer.
I only had the VPL-HW50ES for a short period of time, and I would have liked to spent more time with it, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I did get to game on it. The color was amazing, the contrast was amazing, and the shadow detail and black levels were amazing. I would go as far as saying I like this projector more than my own Epson 8700UB. The
lag test determined that it had about 50ms of lag, but after the review I realized the CFI feature was on when the lag test was done. It should yield much better results with it turned off. As always, here's a link to
Art's full review.
While I had the projector I played Street Fighter IV on the PS3, Borderlands 2 on the PC, and Half-Life 2:Deathmatch on the PC. I did not notice any sort of lag while playing online, or off. I haven't had my hands on one of the new Epson projectors, but based on what I have seen comparing the Epson 8700UB and this Sony, I would pick the Sony. Street Fighter IV looked amazing, and this would be a game you'd definitely notice if lag was an issue.
(more…)Hello All!
I'm back after a bit of a break, (recently moved to a new house), but now I'm settled, and I've got a budget gaming projector shootout between the Acer H5360 ($499) and the Epson 710HD ($599). Both of these projectors are 720P native resolution and represent a good value in their price range. The Acer is a DLP technology based projector and the Epson is 3LCD. Read on to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each and which projector I would choose.
I know this is a very expensive projector for most of us lowly gamers, butI am definitely not passing up having a crack at this beauty. Below are the lag times I experienced during the test. I am going to spend a few hours with it gaming, and hopefully get to watch Avengers in 3D on it. The gaming review of the Sony VPL-HW50ES should be up early next week! Until then, here's a link to
Art's full review. See below for the lag test results, they are very acceptable: