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Acer PH530: 720p Home Theater Projector Review - Image Quality-5

Posted on October 29, 2009 by Art Feierman

Acer PH530 Overall Picture Quality

How do I best say this? The Acer produces good overall picture quality, however, the image is a bit soft, and while, overall, the picture quality is well balanced, the PH530 doesn't shine in any particular area.

So, what you end up with is a home theater projector that puts a pleasing image on the screen, but won't appeal to those really into technology and pure performance.

The nature of projectors, however, assuming they are properly placed in a room that can be almost fully darkened, is that the PH530 will still wow viewers. Sure, in a side by side, you can find a better picture for $100 - $250 more, but will you ever have the opportunity, or care? The answer for most is, no.

Nothing about watching many hours on the PH530 ever jumped out and said - yuck, nor did anything scream "what an awesome picture". The Acer PH530 home theater projector, once adjusted, simply does a good, not exceptional job. Now, if the budget is really tight, that's pretty good place to be. Let's just say that the PH530, is more of a Chevy or Kia, than a Mazda, Subaru, Accura, or Lexus. (In all fairness, Chevy does have On-Star).


Here are some general purpose images (all from Blu-ray disk), that reflect the overall picture quality of the PH530.

OK! Time to look at some other performance aspects of the Acer PH530, including brightness, menus, remote control, and screen recommendations.

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